Skincare routines, haircare routines, wellness routines. Everywhere you go you'll find someone trying to convince you that their morning routine will make you feel more productive or that their evening routine will cure your insomnia. I don't want to admit to how many morning routines I tried out after people on TikTok convinced me it would make me 'that girl', but it was a lot. So are all the videos popping up on social media of people trying out different routines just a trend or is there something behind our fascination? Let's talk about how having simple routines in place could benefit you.
1. Consistency leads to results
Aristotle once said that "We are what we repeatedly do". While I'm not in the habit of living by the words of long-dead philosophy bros, the man had a point. Repeating an action on a daily basis does lead to results. You won't see the same improvement at the gym if you only went when you felt like it and didn't follow a specific plan in the same way that you won't magically wake up with clear skin if you only started a skincare routine the night before. The repetition of the routine is necessary, otherwise it's just a wasted effort.
2. Routines ground you
In an increasingly stressful and fast-paced world, I'll take any grounding I can get. It's easy to feel burnt out and overwhelmed when you have nothing consistent in your life. It may seem silly but scheduling a little time in the evening for your skincare routine or a little bit of yoga can have an incredibly grounding effect on your mind and it can make life feel easier to handle.
3. Routines promote healthy sleep
Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm insufferable without a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. But who wouldn't be? A healthy sleep schedule leads to better mornings, more productive days, as well as a significant reduction in anxiety. It's not just your night routine that matters when it comes to sleep, having a consistent morning routine sets an internal clock within your body which allows you to enter a deep sleep cycle and wake up feeling refreshed instead of groggy.
4. Routines allow you to prioritise yourself
Why do we always feel so selfish whenever we do anything for ourselves? Maybe because we're not used to it or because we feel like 'me-time' would be better spent working or doing things which need to be done. Dedicating time to yourself, however, is essential to your well-being. It reminds you that you are worthy of time and special attention. Having moments of dedicated me-time on a daily basis ingrains the idea that you should be a priority until it feels natural. This leads to improved confidence and gives you the ability to set better boundaries. You are worthy of your own time.
Do you have any routines which keep you sane? Follow this blog for more advice on building daily habits and adding a bit of magic to your everyday life.