With summer right around the corner, we're all ready to ditch the layers and live in our swimsuits for the foreseeable future (or, at least, I am). Unfortunately, if you're an acne-sufferer you might be experiencing breakouts because of the sudden heat and extra humidity. Getting breakouts on your back, chest and thighs is especially common as we begin removing body hair more regularly and wearing less clothing, which exposes the skin to more bacteria. If you're feeling stressed about body acne (or bacne) here's one product which is guaranteed to help you:
Why do I have bacne?
Increased sweating
Whether it's because of the heat, humidity, new workout routines or all of the above, increased sweating clogs the pores, leading to inflammation and breakouts.
New products
Have you suddenly started using a new sunblock, scented body wash or body lotion? it could be the reason you're breaking out. Stick to fragrance-free, hypoallergenic products if your skin is prone to inflammation.
Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause and conditions like PCOS can cause excess oil production, which clogs the pores and makes you break out. Excess hair growth can also cause bacne as the pores become obstructed.
How will this product help?
ISDIN Acniben Body combines Glycolic acid and Salicylic acid in a formula designed to reduce excess oil production, chemically exfoliate the skin and treat active breakouts.
Glycolic acid is an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) which is effective at treating acne and reducing acne scars. It works by breaking the bond between the outer layer of skin cells, making you shed dead skin faster and unclogging the pores.
Salicylic acid is a Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) known for effectively treating blackheads and whiteheads. It exfoliates the skin, unclogs the pores and reduces the skin's oil production.
Thanks to its 360° nozzle, ISDIN Acniben Body can be sprayed upside down, making it ideal for treating areas like the back which can be hard to reach.
How long will it take to get results?
Depending on the severity of your acne it can take between 2 weeks and a few months to see results.
From personal experience, I have noted that it took 2 weeks for my active acne and clogged pores to disappear and around 5 weeks for the marks left behind from acne to fade.
Why does it take longer for acne scars to disappear?
Active acne happens at the skin's surface, making targeting and healing the inflammation easier. Acne scars run deep beneath the skin's surface so it takes many cycles of skin shedding to get rid of them completely.
When it comes to acne it is important to treat the root causes of the problem to prevent the acne from returning. For example, if the problem is hormonal, no matter how regularly you treat the surface problem the acne will return because the hormones will keep bringing it back.
Do you struggle with acne? Share your tips with us in the comments below! Make sure to follow us on Instagram for advice, videos, recipes, and more:
You can find ISDIN Acniben Body at most pharmacies across Malta and Gozo! For a more detailed list check them out on Instagram and Facebook: